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simple present tense in hindi


Present Tense


IS    Third Person Singular Subject à¤•े à¤¸ाथ IS à¤•ा à¤ª्रयोग à¤•à¤°à¤¤े à¤¹ै।

AM  –  First Person Singular Subject  à¤•े à¤¸ाथ AM à¤•ा à¤ª्रयोग à¤•à¤°à¤¤े à¤¹ै।

ARE -   à¤¬ाकी à¤¸à¤­ी Subject à¤•े à¤¸ाथ ARE à¤•ा à¤ª्रयोग à¤•à¤°à¤¤े à¤¹ै।


Affirmative Sentence:-

वह à¤¸्कूल à¤®ें à¤¹ै। He is at School.

वह à¤›ात्र à¤¹ै। He is a student.

वह à¤•िसान à¤¹ै। He is a farmer.

राम à¤¤ैयार à¤¹ै। Ram is Ready.

यह à¤ªुस्तक à¤¹ै। This is a book.

वह à¤ªुस्तक à¤¹ै। That is a book.

मैं à¤›ात्र à¤¹ूँ।   I am a student.

मैं à¤•िसान à¤¹ूँ। I am a farmer.

मैं à¤¡ॉक्टर à¤¹ॅू। I am a doctor.

मैं à¤¤ैयार à¤¹ॅू। I am Ready.

तुम à¤•िसान à¤¹ो। You are farmer.

तुम à¤…मीर à¤†à¤¦à¤®ी à¤¹ो। You are a rich man.

तुम à¤¤ैयार à¤¹ो। you are ready.

हम à¤¤ैयार à¤¹ै। We are ready.

वे à¤¤ैयार à¤¹ै। They are ready.

ये à¤•िताबें à¤¹ैं। These are books.

वे à¤•िताबें à¤¹ैं। Those are books.


Negative Sentence:-

Rule:- Sub+ Is not/are not/am not + Noun/Object/Adjective.


वह à¤¸्कूल à¤®ें à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै। He is not at School.

वह à¤›ात्र à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै। He is not a student.

वह à¤•िसान à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै। He is not  a farmer.


Interrogative Sentence:-

क्या à¤µà¤¹ à¤›ात्र à¤¹ै Is he a student?

क्‍या वह à¤•िसान à¤¹ै? Is he a farmer?

Negative Interrogative Sentence:-

क्या à¤µà¤¹ à¤¸्कूल à¤®ें à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै? Is he not at School?

क्या à¤µà¤¹ à¤›ात्र à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै? Is he not a student?

क्या à¤µà¤¹ à¤•िसान à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै? Is he not a farmer?

वह à¤¸्कूल à¤®ें à¤•्यों à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै Why is he not at school?

वह à¤¸्कूल à¤®ें à¤•िसके à¤¸ाथ à¤¹ै?  With whom is he at school?


Has/Have (पास à¤¹ै।)


मेरे à¤ªास à¤•à¤®्यूटर à¤¹ै। I Have a computer. / I have got a computer.

मेरे à¤ªास à¤®ोबाइल à¤¹ै। I Have a mobile phone.   I have got a mobile phone.

तुम्हें à¤¬ुखार à¤¹ै ? You have a fever?

मेरे à¤ªास à¤¸à¤®à¤¯ à¤¹ै। I have a time.

तुम्हारे à¤ªास à¤•ैलकुलेटर à¤¹ै।  You have a calculator.

राम à¤•े à¤ªास à¤•à¤®्प्यूटर à¤¹ै। Ram has a computer.

राम à¤•े à¤ªास à¤¬ाइक à¤¹ै। Ram has a bike.

उसके à¤ªास à¤•िताब à¤¹ै। He has a book.

Negative: - Does not have/ Do not have (पास à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ैं )

उसके à¤ªास à¤•िताब à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै। He does not have a book.

मेरे à¤ªास à¤•à¤®्यूटर à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै। I do not have a computer.


क्या à¤‰à¤¸à¤•े à¤ªास à¤•िताब à¤¹ै? does he have a book.

क्या à¤®ेरे à¤ªास à¤•à¤®्यूटर à¤¹ै? do I  have a computer.

Negative interrogative


क्या à¤‰à¤¸à¤•े à¤ªास à¤•िताब à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै?  Does he not have a book?

क्या à¤®ेरे à¤ªास à¤•à¤®्यूटर  à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै?  Do I not have a computer?

उसके à¤ªास à¤•िताब à¤•्यों à¤¨à¤¹ीं à¤¹ै?  Why does he not have a book?

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